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Sports Leaders

Meet the Sports Leaders

Hello! We have been elected by our classmates and teachers to represent them as their sports leaders.  We attend meetings and work with Mrs Blake to discuss sports provision across the school and help support all things sporty in Freegrounds Junior School.  We do our best to ensure that we consistently display our school’s learning behaviours as well as our positive behaviour code.

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Our Role and Responsibilities

The Sports Leaders set an example for others, in all our sport related activities in school. They help support adults in running games and activities at lunchtimes, provide leadership in organised activities such as sports day and champion the combination of our school values and sporting values to all others at Freegrounds.

We believe our job is to:

·         Be a positive role model for all children in school

·         Encourage all pupils to participate in sporting activities

·         Identify ways to improve the sporting provision for all pupils

·         Share our own ideas, and other pupils’ with adults

·         Consistently display the best of sporting values such as sportsmanship, fair play and positivity.

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