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"Every human is an artist."  - Don Miguel Ruiz


We aim for Art and Design at Freegrounds Junior School to be inspiring, inclusive and challenging. Through the sequential teaching of knowledge and skills, all children will refine their application of artistic techniques as well as develop their understanding of artists and key vocabulary. This will equip them with the ability to experiment, invent and create. Opportunities in art and design are underpinned by the school’s learning behaviours which are effectively developed through this subject.


In art and design children in year three and five have the opportunity to print and work with fabrics and thread whilst pupils in year four and six create collages and sculpt with clay. Children continually develop and refine their drawing and painting skills throughout every art unit. In lesson, teachers model the art skills and techniques which children are then given the opportunity to practise and refine. Work produced individually or in small groups is either presented creatively in their art journal or is displayed as a final piece.

Art vocabulary is used by the class teacher and children are encouraged to use this vocabulary verbally to respond to and critically evaluate their own and others artwork as well as to annotate work in their art journals.

Whilst pupils are working, teachers use in lesson assessment for learning to provide clear, direct feedback. In doing so, they respond and adapt their teaching as necessary for the class or individuals. Teachers also facilitate children in being able to reflect on the art choices they have made and critically reflect on the impact of this.

All children engage with the learning in art and design lessons. Adaptations are made according to pupils individual needs where appropriate e.g. a teacher might scribe for a child so that writing is not a barrier to their art understanding.  

Throughout lessons teachers seize opportunities to develop our pupils learning behaviours. This might be through task design or through questioning within the lesson.